Our CREW of moms/dads/grandmas/grandpas/and teens are the HEART of our sale. We LOVE our Crew!! TOGETHER... we make Treasured Once Again a Fun and Profitable Treasure Hunt for both shoppers and consignors . Join us and other FAMILIES for this exciting adventure! We all have super powers and we sure could use yours!!
Check out all the benefits of being a Crew member and choose the best option for YOU!!

You and your friend, sister, mom, husband, teen etc can sign up for a shift TOGETHER and their time will count for YOU as long as they are NOT a consignor. For example, you and your mom (who is NOT a consignor) work a 4 hour shift together. That will give you credit for 8 hours and Super Crew status. If you have any questions, just email us.
**TEEN NOTE** Teens must be at least 15 years old to receive credit towards your shift hours. Younger teens may work and receive Community Service Credit.
NOTE: All consignors will pay the $8.00 Consignor Fee for Altoona Sales and $5.00 Fee for Johnstown.
4 Hour Shift
- Earn 65% of your sales (Earn 45% if using the "Busy Mom" Service
- Shop Early
TWO (4 hour shifts of choice)
- Earn 70% of your sales (Earn 50% if using the "Busy Mom" Service)
- Shop Earlier!
THREE (4 hour shifts of choice)
- Earn 75% of your sales (Earn 55% if using the "Busy Mom" Service)
- Shop Even Earlier!
- Can you work more than 12 Hours?
- Would you be interested in working during specific times of the sale...for example, the days of drop off or multiple days at the register?
- Earn 75% of your sales (Earn 55% if using the "Busy Mom" Service)
- Earn $10 Gift card credit or $8.00 cash for each hour worked over the 12 hours.
- Shop Earliest of All!
- Email if you are interested in this option. This option depends on the times your are available and the times extra help is needed.
It’s definitely worth your time to have first choice at the sale! It's a great chance to get out of the house and hang (and TALK) to other moms and grandmas..dads and grandpas too...while increasing your earnings and getting the best shopping deals. Your shopping pre-sale time is listed on the sale schedule page.
Some shifts require loading/unloading the trailers and moving/setting up the racks and shelving. These are often shifts that offer special incentives...check for these when you choose your shift. Husbands and teenagers are all welcome. Send your 16 year old to volunteer for you and then you can shop the pre-sale. Hmmmm.
** If you cannot fulfill your shift obligation, ask a friend or husband to fill in for you. If you do not work your scheduled shift, you cannot volunteer again in the future. It's very important that you come when scheduled. We count on you!!! **