MARCH 13-16

Masonic Temple


APRIL 10-13

Jaffa Shrine














Job Descriptions

Whether you are a mommy, a teen, a husband, or a grandma...we have a job for you and LOTS of chocolate too!!

Assist During Drop Off

Help check consignors in and check their items to ensure top quality. Make sure their tags are correct, buttons buttoned, clothing hung correctly, etc.  Help consignors place items on the sales floor.  Help orgnaize for the sale.

Sales Floor

Make sure consignors have a wonderful shopping experience.  Provide bags for shoppers.  Keep items on the floor organized.  Help us in the check out area or as a door greeter.   Easy.

Set Up / Break Down

You can volunteer or volunteer your husbands for this! Involves setting up and taking down racks and tables.  If you want a work out this is the job for you.

In addition, we have other job opportunities. Please sign up for the shift on the "Join Our Crew" tab.


Help get us media coverage (newspapers, TV, radio, print ads, etc).  Print items for us, photography, etc

Email us if you have a service you would like to barter. ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )